Turkey: Summer in the city

Sweat streams down hot skin


just praying for peace.

After the late-may visit from John and Taylor, things went back to “normal” in Istanbul, which is to say erratic. Due to myriad reasons, june was a personal roller coaster, and heading in to july I took a deep breath and braced for impact. July began with me feeling rather hollowed out, but summer vacation plans (heading home a week from Tuesday!) are keeping my spirits up.

Each day has been spent working like crazy (with a few beach trips on the weekends) to try and finish up my syllabi and course materials for fall semester, while summer hit with full force and slammed us across the face with her sunny fist. Next year I found out that I’ll be working with the Business, Sociology and Legal departments, so getting a head start seemed like a good idea.

This week is busy with teaching an orientation to U.S. Schools over at Sabanci University with the Soros Open Democracy program (a very cool social justice organization). It’s good to get away from Istanbul a bit, although we are really in the middle of nowhere, and the only place to hang out near our hotel in a brickyard or a truck stop.

I’m excited to meet my students tomorrow, though, as they are sophomores from all over Eastern Europe who are heading to the states to study social justice for a year.

While home I’ll be in Cincinnati and Louisville and will get to even head up to Chicago for a bit to catch up with old friends.

See you on the flip side, and let’s hope things have truly flipped.

About Rubyshoesroxanne perambulates

It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive. - Bruce Springsteen ("Badlands")
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