Where we thought we were going…

Ask what I’ve learned, I

reply:  “the more I know the

less I know for sure.”

Often people ask me what it was that I was searching for in my travels. I rarely have an answer. The next question is “so what have you learned?”

I was stumped on this one until, a few months ago, I came upon a phrase that resonated: “the more I know, the less I know for sure.” Most people say “yeah, Socrates wrote that.” OR, “that’s a poem I think.”

Dude, whatever.

And so, another school/work year approaches its close. Things move along: governments topple, allied forces drop new rounds of bombs, jobs change, friends get married, friends get divorced, meet a new guy, break it off, lose 10 pounds, then gain 5, learn a new song, make a new friend, watch one move away, let my hair get long, cut it off, then let it grow again.

Something remains the same though. We retain some major inkling of who we have been all these years. We love our family, our friends, we try to make them skype more, we try to remember all their birthdays, we fail.

I have switched to the royal “we,” not due to any imagined importance, but because too often people seem to assume that this life is a glamorous string of excitement. And yet, everything friends do at home, I also do. I go to work, I buy groceries, I cook, I workout, I go to choir practice, I read books, watch movies and even, sometimes, get bored.

But enough of these wanderings and on with the update.

Welcome to the new blog! I made this site complete with my vocal music, poems and pictures. I feel as though it’s rubyshoesroxanne meets world 2.0.

Last I wrote I was headed to New York and Ecuador. Despite a freak snow storm in New York, both were amazing. See “photography” link for slideshows.

In New York I applied for NYU’s graduate program for Educational Technology and Media. Good news is that I got in (as of a few weeks ago)! Bottomline news is that I realized that I don’t want to go $60,000 in debt for a second masters.

More good news is that I love my current job (Academic Skills Instructor for Business and Sociology students). My students are good, my curriculum is (finally) written and the vacation time is amazing. And the job situation back at home is not so great.

SO, I will be staying in Istanbul another year (yes, that’ll make 3 all told)! This brings with it the chance to travel and spend some time thinking about what I want to do in the future.

I stopped the other day when I was walking down from my house through the park to the gym. The smell of honeysuckle made me turn my head and I said to myself “well, Jennie, is this where we thought we were going?”

Then I kept walking on my way.

About Rubyshoesroxanne perambulates

It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive. - Bruce Springsteen ("Badlands")
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2 Responses to Where we thought we were going…

  1. congrats on the new digs, jennie! don’t be shy about posting. you’re a great writer and i always enjoy reading what you have to say.
    –jeff (in disguise)

    • Thanks! I looked at your godblog – amazed I could access since I thought it was blocked – and holy shit are you prolific. And hilarious (as always). Good on you… perhaps I’ll stop wasting my creativity on facebook updates and start making more meaningful, lasting works of literary genius in the form of blog posts…

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